But a weak industrial sector and disappointing retail sales dragged down growth even as China saw a surge in credit, suggesting monetary stimulus is not having as much impact as before. 但是,疲弱的工业部门和令人失望的零售销售拖累了增长,即便中国发放的信贷激增,这似乎表明货币刺激的影响不如以往。
Banks often fit this model with separate divisions for retail banking, credit card, and mortgage services. 银行通常适用这种模式,它们分别划分成小额银行业务、信用卡和抵押贷款服务。
Meanwhile, technology undermined the retail banking profession by allowing banks to replace individual judgment with credit scoring. 同时,技术逐渐破坏了零售银行这种职业,个人判断被评级打分所替代。
Meanwhile, many retail banks ceased charging those in credit. 同时,许多零售银行取消了对借款者的收费。
Most of the retail demand is fuelled by easy access to credit through "margin lending" provided by small brokers. 小型证券公司面向散户投资者轻易提供的“孖展贷款(marginlending)”,对散户市场的需求起到了火上浇油的作用。
What struck me at the time was how many leading theorists of this supermarket concept had cut their teeth in retail financial services, such as branch banking, stock-broking and credit cards. 在当时,最让我印象深刻的是这个超市概念的主要理论家中有很多人曾就职于零售金融业,如银行网点、股票经纪及信用卡业务。
The stress scenario must have absolutely murdered these, although in reality retail credit losses in Asia, and in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, are lower or in line with North America. 在假设的压力情境下,这些贷款必定会损失殆尽,尽管在现实中,与北美相比,亚洲、欧洲、中东和非洲的零售贷款损失率更低或者持平。
Study on the Optimal Retail Price and Stock Decisions in the Supply Chain under Trade Credit Policy 商业信用下供应链价格与库存决策问题研究
And then: enter Bank One and its retail branches, small business lending, credit card business, and mutual funds. 于是,第一银行及其零售分支机构、小企业借贷、信用卡和共同基金业务就登场了。
"The two traditional weapons that foreign banks have used to penetrate Asian retail banking markets wealth management and credit cards are harder to use in China," says Emmanuel pitsilis, Hong Kong-based senior partner of McKinsey, the consultancy. 咨询公司麦肯锡(mckinsey)驻香港高级合伙人姚万里(emmanuelpitsilis)表示:“外资银行用来打入亚洲零售银行市场的两件传统武器财富管理和信用卡在中国用起来都比较困难”。
Perspective on Institutional Change: Analysis on "Pattern of Wuyuan Jiangxi" for Retail Agricultural Credit 基于制度变迁的视角:小额农贷江西婺源模式分析
SOUR subprime mortgages, sluggish retail sales, the spectre of a broader retreat in credit and consumer spending. 次级抵押贷款恶化,零售销售增长迟缓,信贷和消费支出将会进一步收紧的魅影隐隐若现。
In India over the past year it has rolled out its retail branch network and started to offer credit cards. 过去一年来,它在印度铺开了零售分支网络,并开始推出信用卡服务。
But persistent inflationary pressure has forced the Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, to keep interest rates high, which in turn has hit retail credit, from home loans to car and unsecured personal loans. 但持续的通胀压力已迫使印度央行(reservebankofindia)保持高利率水平,因而对零售信贷业包括房屋按揭、车贷及无抵押个人贷款构成了打击。
Those banks can rely on huge balance sheets, backed by cheap retail deposits, to make loans. a consumer credit line that can be used up to a certain limit or paid down at any time. 那些仰仗巨额资产负债表的银行通过廉价的小额零星存款的支持来发放贷款。只要偿还曾贷款项其贷款额可增加的信用贷款。
It may be better regulated by the Fed than the Securities and Exchange Commission but counting it as just another bank, with the same privileges and obligations as retail banks and credit card companies, makes little sense. 受美联储监管,可能会比受美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)监管要好,但只是将它视作另一家银行,拥有与零售银行及信用卡公司相同的特权与义务,几乎说不通。
But these costs typically represent only a tenth of a printed book's retail price, estimates Credit Suisse, an investment bank. 但据瑞士信贷银行估计,这些特定的成本仅占一本纸质书零售价格的十分之一。
That is an advantage for retail banks: Rural borrowers familiar with the use of credit can become loyal bank customers if they see advantages in terms of cost and reliability. 对于零售银行来说这是个优势:熟悉信贷使用的农村借款人一旦发现银行在成本和可靠性方面的优势,就会成为银行的忠实客户。
Many of these investment banks are part of universal banks that continue to see a solid performance in retail banking and consumer credit. 这些投行许多都属于全能银行,它们的零售银行和消费者信贷业务继续表现强劲。
Characteristic of retail credit need new technique in analysis of credit. 单笔金额小于一定限度。由于银行零售业务这样的特征,适宜采用新的方法对其进行信用分析,即利用信用风险模型。
Retail Exposures Credit Scoring Models for Chinese Commercial Banks: Model Specification and its Application 商业银行个人信贷信用评分模型的构建与应用
For retail exposures, this paper firstly built an analytical framework for product-level credit scoring model, and by applying this framework to home mortgage loans, it built a hybrid scoring model for home mortgage loans which consists of a scoring card model and a Logistic model. 为此,文章首先从借款人、贷款方案、贷款投向和风险缓释四个要素出发,构建了一套产品水平的信用评分模型的整体分析框架,并将该框架具体应用于个人住房贷款产品;
Opportunity of Retail Credit Banking Brought by Reform of the Mechanism of Infrastructure's Investment and Financing 我国投融资体制改革给银行零售贷款带来的机遇
The second chapter makes concrete analysis of Chinese Retail Banking and its management of personal credit. 第二章具体分析我国的零售银行业务及其个人信用管理。
At the same time also brought a very important question: retail credit risk management. 但与此同时也带来了一个非常重要的问题:零售信用风险管理。
Due to the high profit margin and risk diversification, retail credit business has become the focus of commercial banks 'business development. 零售信贷业务由于其盈利空间大且风险分散,成为了各商业银行业务发展的重点。
Economic globalization and financial integration intensified competition in the banking industry as the most important retail banking, credit card services need to adapt to the times of the marketing. 经济全球化和金融一体化加剧了银行业的竞争,作为银行零售业务的重中之重,信用卡业务需要适应时代要求的营销方式。
The system realizes the establishment of the retail credit asset risk measurement model, and the risk measurement of retail assets by implementing the Internal Ratings-Based Approach introduced by the New Basel Capital Accord. 该系统实现了零售信贷资产的风险计量模型的建立,实现新巴塞尔资本协议的内部评级法对零售类资产风险计量。
The credit industry in China is entering a period of rapid development. Many banks have been put forward to the grand blueprint of building retail banks, which makes the amount of credit and loans in all banks increasingly huge. 我国信贷业正进入飞速发展时期,许多银行相继提出建设零售银行的宏伟蓝图,这使得各银行信贷业务量日益巨大。